2021/11/7 3:00 JSTからのメンテナンスは終了済みです。ありがとうございました。
問い合わせの多い内容について、TOPに回答を掲載しています。ご確認ください。 その他お問い合わせはフォームかこちらまで。
  We are investigating issues in the backend. Your shares and hashrate are safe and we will fix things ASAP.

  • Findblocks disabled, new blocks will currently not show up in the frontend
  • Blockupdate disabled, blocks and transactions confirmations are delayed
  • Payouts disabled, you will not receive any coins to your offline wallet for the time being
  • Round Statistics
    Block Statistics PPLNS Round Statistics
    ID 51,544 PPLNS Shares 2,846
    Height 1,839,239 Estimated Shares 2,822
    Amount 31.25001197 Target Variance 99.16 %
    Confirmations Confirmed Block Average 2,858
    Difficulty 0.04306022978597 Average Efficiency 98.74 %
    Time 2020-02-22 03:53:58 Target Rounds 15
    Shares 2,156 Seconds This Round 753
    Finder ymvision0129 Round Variance 75.76 %
    Round Transactions
    User Name Round Shares Round % PPLNS Shares PPLNS Round % Variance Amount
    ymvision0129 345 16.00 448 15.74 98.37 4.90436675
    anonymous 336 15.58 423 14.86 95.37 4.63068556
    pentagon 184 8.53 224 7.87 92.22 2.45218337
    hanabi0257 143 6.63 191 6.71 101.18 2.09968202
    anonymous 139 6.45 190 6.68 103.55 2.08216644
    moonzero 128 5.94 167 5.87 98.84 1.82819028
    jopa 89 4.13 129 4.53 109.80 1.41876326
    kuhn 64 2.97 106 3.72 125.47 1.16040821
    gehyoi 82 3.80 106 3.72 97.93 1.16040820
    kame4488 74 3.43 105 3.69 107.49 1.15821875
    anonymous 77 3.57 96 3.37 94.45 1.05093573
    pukuta 60 2.78 84 2.95 106.06 0.92832658
    lafchan 55 2.55 78 2.74 107.43 0.85388528
    anonymous 59 2.74 73 2.57 93.73 0.79914905
    mojimoji160 36 1.67 55 1.93 115.74 0.61085640
    Ugataka 36 1.67 49 1.72 103.11 0.54298346
    TOR 33 1.53 43 1.51 98.71 0.47073163
    anonymous 28 1.30 40 1.41 108.22 0.43788990
    wolkins 28 1.30 34 1.19 91.99 0.38096421
    kiyohara1021 23 1.07 26 0.91 85.64 0.28462843
    ghorl 17 0.79 25 0.88 111.41 0.28024953
    pd150 20 0.93 24 0.84 90.91 0.27149174
    yociaqi 15 0.70 20 0.70 101.01 0.22770275
    osprey74 14 0.65 20 0.70 108.22 0.21894494
    pulser_777 14 0.65 18 0.63 97.40 0.19705045
    moca2004 9 0.42 17 0.60 143.09 0.18610320
    anonymous 8 0.37 13 0.46 123.10 0.14231421
    anonymous 10 0.46 12 0.42 90.91 0.13136697
    sakunetkhmer 9 0.42 11 0.39 92.59 0.12041972
    rinrinkarin 8 0.37 10 0.35 94.69 0.11385137
    tatsu-funa 7 0.32 9 0.32 97.40 0.10509357
    Round Shares
    Rank User Name Valid Invalid Invalid %
    1 ymvision0129 345 0 0.00
    2 anonymous 336 0 0.00
    3 pentagon 184 0 0.00
    4 hanabi0257 143 0 0.00
    5 anonymous 139 0 0.00
    6 moonzero 128 0 0.00
    7 jopa 89 0 0.00
    8 gehyoi 82 0 0.00
    9 anonymous 77 0 0.00
    10 kame4488 74 0 0.00
    11 kuhn 64 0 0.00
    12 pukuta 60 0 0.00
    13 anonymous 59 0 0.00
    14 lafchan 55 0 0.00
    15 mojimoji160 36 0 0.00
    16 Ugataka 36 0 0.00
    17 TOR 33 0 0.00
    18 wolkins 28 0 0.00
    19 anonymous 28 0 0.00
    20 kiyohara1021 23 0 0.00
    21 pd150 20 0 0.00
    22 ghorl 17 0 0.00
    23 yociaqi 15 0 0.00
    24 pulser_777 14 0 0.00
    25 osprey74 14 0 0.00
    26 anonymous 10 0 0.00
    27 moca2004 9 0 0.00
    28 sakunetkhmer 9 0 0.00
    29 rinrinkarin 8 0 0.00
    30 anonymous 8 0 0.00
    31 tatsu-funa 7 0 0.00
    PPLNS Round Shares
    Rank User Name Valid Invalid Invalid %
    1 ymvision0129 448 0 0.00
    2 anonymous 423 0 0.00
    3 pentagon 224 0 0.00
    4 hanabi0257 191 0 0.00
    5 anonymous 190 0 0.00
    6 moonzero 167 0 0.00
    7 jopa 129 0 0.00
    8 kuhn 106 0 0.00
    9 gehyoi 106 0 0.00
    10 kame4488 105 0 0.00
    11 anonymous 96 0 0.00
    12 pukuta 84 0 0.00
    13 lafchan 78 0 0.00
    14 anonymous 73 0 0.00
    15 mojimoji160 55 0 0.00
    16 Ugataka 49 0 0.00
    17 TOR 43 0 0.00
    18 anonymous 40 0 0.00
    19 wolkins 34 0 0.00
    20 kiyohara1021 26 0 0.00
    21 ghorl 25 0 0.00
    22 pd150 24 0 0.00
    23 yociaqi 20 0 0.00
    24 osprey74 20 0 0.00
    25 pulser_777 18 0 0.00
    26 moca2004 17 0 0.00
    27 anonymous 13 0 0.00
    28 anonymous 12 0 0.00
    29 sakunetkhmer 11 0 0.00
    30 rinrinkarin 10 0 0.00
    31 tatsu-funa 9 0 0.00