2021/11/7 3:00 JSTからのメンテナンスは終了済みです。ありがとうございました。
問い合わせの多い内容について、TOPに回答を掲載しています。ご確認ください。 その他お問い合わせはフォームかこちらまで。
  We are investigating issues in the backend. Your shares and hashrate are safe and we will fix things ASAP.

  • Findblocks disabled, new blocks will currently not show up in the frontend
  • Blockupdate disabled, blocks and transactions confirmations are delayed
  • Payouts disabled, you will not receive any coins to your offline wallet for the time being
  • Round Statistics
    Block Statistics PPLNS Round Statistics
    ID 62,583 PPLNS Shares 2,822
    Height 1,963,452 Estimated Shares 1,683
    Amount 31.25 Target Variance 59.64 %
    Confirmations Confirmed Block Average 2,826
    Difficulty 0.025683834292534 Average Efficiency 59.56 %
    Time 2020-07-01 13:14:15 Target Rounds 15
    Shares 7,483 Seconds This Round 3,021
    Finder pentagon Round Variance 265.17 %
    Round Transactions
    User Name Round Shares Round % PPLNS Shares PPLNS Round % Variance Amount
    moonzero 2,383 31.85 868 30.76 96.59 9.60176988
    ymvision0129 1,351 18.05 482 17.08 94.60 5.33185840
    pentagon 640 8.55 280 9.92 116.01 3.09734513
    kuhn 404 5.40 155 5.49 101.73 1.71902657
    anonymous 293 3.92 132 4.68 119.46 1.46017699
    anonymous 306 4.09 120 4.25 103.99 1.32743363
    anonymous 296 3.96 110 3.90 98.54 1.21681416
    hashy0917 219 2.93 95 3.37 115.03 1.05088495
    mixer5123 249 3.33 91 3.22 96.91 1.00663718
    hanabi0257 210 2.81 78 2.76 98.49 0.86283186
    jopa 199 2.66 70 2.48 93.27 0.77876107
    oryza 148 1.98 55 1.95 98.54 0.61061948
    masa 149 1.99 55 1.95 97.88 0.61061948
    anonymous 133 1.78 55 1.95 109.66 0.60840708
    mojimoji160 134 1.79 46 1.63 91.03 0.51327434
    moca2004 66 0.88 25 0.89 100.44 0.27654867
    pd150 59 0.79 21 0.74 94.38 0.23893806
    sakunetkhmer 72 0.96 21 0.74 77.34 0.23230088
    ghorl 56 0.75 20 0.71 94.70 0.22123894
    rinrinkarin 48 0.64 16 0.57 88.39 0.17699115
    anonymous 28 0.37 10 0.35 94.70 0.11504425
    tatsu-funa 30 0.40 10 0.35 88.39 0.11504425
    mikiou 7 0.09 7 0.25 265.17 0.07743363
    Round Shares
    Rank User Name Valid Invalid Invalid %
    1 moonzero 2,383 16 0.67
    2 ymvision0129 1,351 0 0.00
    3 pentagon 640 8 1.25
    4 kuhn 404 0 0.00
    5 anonymous 306 0 0.00
    6 anonymous 296 2 0.68
    7 anonymous 293 0 0.00
    8 mixer5123 249 0 0.00
    9 hashy0917 219 0 0.00
    10 hanabi0257 210 0 0.00
    11 jopa 199 2 1.01
    12 masa 149 0 0.00
    13 oryza 148 0 0.00
    14 mojimoji160 134 0 0.00
    15 anonymous 133 0 0.00
    16 sakunetkhmer 72 0 0.00
    17 moca2004 66 0 0.00
    18 pd150 59 0 0.00
    19 ghorl 56 0 0.00
    20 rinrinkarin 48 0 0.00
    21 tatsu-funa 30 0 0.00
    22 anonymous 28 0 0.00
    23 mikiou 7 0 0.00
    PPLNS Round Shares
    Rank User Name Valid Invalid Invalid %
    1 moonzero 868 10 1.15
    2 ymvision0129 482 0 0.00
    3 pentagon 280 8 2.86
    4 kuhn 155 0 0.00
    5 anonymous 132 0 0.00
    6 anonymous 120 0 0.00
    7 anonymous 110 0 0.00
    8 hashy0917 95 0 0.00
    9 mixer5123 91 0 0.00
    10 hanabi0257 78 0 0.00
    11 jopa 70 1 1.43
    12 anonymous 55 0 0.00
    13 oryza 55 0 0.00
    14 masa 55 0 0.00
    15 mojimoji160 46 0 0.00
    16 moca2004 25 0 0.00
    17 pd150 21 0 0.00
    18 sakunetkhmer 21 0 0.00
    19 ghorl 20 0 0.00
    20 rinrinkarin 16 0 0.00
    21 anonymous 10 0 0.00
    22 tatsu-funa 10 0 0.00
    23 mikiou 7 0 0.00