2021/11/7 3:00 JSTからのメンテナンスは終了済みです。ありがとうございました。
問い合わせの多い内容について、TOPに回答を掲載しています。ご確認ください。 その他お問い合わせはフォームかこちらまで。
  We are investigating issues in the backend. Your shares and hashrate are safe and we will fix things ASAP.

  • Findblocks disabled, new blocks will currently not show up in the frontend
  • Blockupdate disabled, blocks and transactions confirmations are delayed
  • Payouts disabled, you will not receive any coins to your offline wallet for the time being
  • Round Statistics
    Block Statistics PPLNS Round Statistics
    ID 67,603 PPLNS Shares 2,031
    Height 2,037,786 Estimated Shares 1,986
    Amount 15.625 Target Variance 97.79 %
    Confirmations Confirmed Block Average 2,032
    Difficulty 0.030305160270298 Average Efficiency 97.76 %
    Time 2020-09-17 14:54:36 Target Rounds 15
    Shares 5,016 Seconds This Round 5,379
    Finder oryza Round Variance 247.02 %
    Round Transactions
    User Name Round Shares Round % PPLNS Shares PPLNS Round % Variance Amount
    high_lemon2012 1,088 21.68 431 21.24 97.98 3.31919685
    kuhn 555 11.06 216 10.64 96.14 1.66190665
    anonymous 484 9.65 200 9.85 102.07 1.53880243
    anonymous 472 9.41 186 9.16 97.34 1.43108626
    Ugataka 283 5.63 116 5.71 101.39 0.89250542
    mixer5123 272 5.43 109 5.35 98.55 0.83556973
    show-ka 259 5.16 104 5.11 99.00 0.79863847
    masa 254 5.07 100 4.92 97.10 0.76940123
    mojimoji160 279 5.57 100 4.92 88.41 0.76940123
    jopa 138 2.75 90 4.41 160.38 0.68938350
    ymvision0129 240 4.78 89 4.39 91.88 0.68630589
    ghorl 134 2.68 56 2.76 102.92 0.43086469
    pd150 110 2.20 52 2.56 116.35 0.40008864
    oryza 61 1.21 48 2.36 195.66 0.36931259
    anonymous 135 2.69 44 2.17 80.51 0.33853653
    moca2004 96 1.91 41 2.02 105.50 0.31545450
    anonymous 77 1.53 30 1.46 95.20 0.22774276
    tatsu-funa 59 1.18 18 0.87 73.44 0.13541462
    sakunetkhmer 4 0.08 2 0.10 123.51 0.01538803
    Round Shares
    Rank User Name Valid Invalid Invalid %
    1 high_lemon2012 1,088 1 0.09
    2 kuhn 555 2 0.29
    3 anonymous 484 0 0.00
    4 anonymous 472 1 0.21
    5 Ugataka 283 0 0.00
    6 mojimoji160 279 0 0.00
    7 mixer5123 272 0 0.00
    8 show-ka 259 0 0.00
    9 masa 254 0 0.00
    10 ymvision0129 240 0 0.00
    11 jopa 138 2 1.16
    12 anonymous 135 0 0.00
    13 ghorl 134 0 0.00
    14 pd150 110 0 0.00
    15 moca2004 96 0 0.00
    16 anonymous 77 0 0.00
    17 oryza 61 0 0.00
    18 tatsu-funa 59 0 0.00
    19 mikiou 16 0 0.00
    20 sakunetkhmer 4 0 0.00
    PPLNS Round Shares
    Rank User Name Valid Invalid Invalid %
    1 high_lemon2012 431 0 0.00
    2 kuhn 216 1 0.37
    3 anonymous 200 0 0.00
    4 anonymous 186 0 0.00
    5 Ugataka 116 0 0.00
    6 mixer5123 109 0 0.00
    7 show-ka 104 0 0.00
    8 mojimoji160 100 0 0.00
    9 masa 100 0 0.00
    10 jopa 90 1 0.89
    11 ymvision0129 89 0 0.00
    12 ghorl 56 0 0.00
    13 pd150 52 0 0.00
    14 oryza 48 0 0.00
    15 anonymous 44 0 0.00
    16 moca2004 41 0 0.00
    17 anonymous 30 0 0.00
    18 tatsu-funa 18 0 0.00
    19 sakunetkhmer 2 0 0.00