2021/11/7 3:00 JSTからのメンテナンスは終了済みです。ありがとうございました。
問い合わせの多い内容について、TOPに回答を掲載しています。ご確認ください。 その他お問い合わせはフォームかこちらまで。
  We are investigating issues in the backend. Your shares and hashrate are safe and we will fix things ASAP.

  • Findblocks disabled, new blocks will currently not show up in the frontend
  • Blockupdate disabled, blocks and transactions confirmations are delayed
  • Payouts disabled, you will not receive any coins to your offline wallet for the time being
  • Round Statistics
    Block Statistics PPLNS Round Statistics
    ID 79,504 PPLNS Shares 1,885
    Height 2,221,401 Estimated Shares 1,421
    Amount 15.62500227 Target Variance 75.37 %
    Confirmations Confirmed Block Average 1,888
    Difficulty 0.021686098725936 Average Efficiency 75.27 %
    Time 2021-03-29 09:11:27 Target Rounds 15
    Shares 443 Seconds This Round 744
    Finder tkd Round Variance 23.51 %
    Round Transactions
    User Name Round Shares Round % PPLNS Shares PPLNS Round % Variance Amount
    tkd 155 35.02 579 30.69 87.64 4.79507070
    ymvision0129 81 18.32 367 19.45 106.19 3.03980632
    SURUARISURU 61 13.76 256 13.58 98.65 2.12156602
    anonymous 22 4.96 159 8.43 169.89 1.31769139
    anonymous 37 8.35 152 8.06 96.57 1.25967982
    mixer5123 21 4.78 93 4.93 103.12 0.77072516
    mojimoji160 18 4.06 77 4.08 100.56 0.63812729
    moca2004 6 1.35 34 1.80 133.21 0.28177049
    pd150 8 1.90 28 1.51 79.48 0.23536123
    azugta 8 1.81 27 1.44 79.92 0.22541639
    jopa 6 1.44 25 1.32 91.09 0.20552671
    anonymous 6 1.26 22 1.19 94.03 0.18563703
    ghorl 4 0.95 22 1.16 122.01 0.18066461
    masa 6 1.26 22 1.15 90.67 0.17900714
    anonymous 3 0.77 18 0.94 123.07 0.14751514
    ktty_mdpool 0 0.00 5 0.27 100.00 0.04143684
    Round Shares
    Rank User Name Valid Invalid Invalid %
    1 tkd 155 26 16.62
    2 ymvision0129 81 22 27.09
    3 SURUARISURU 61 12 19.02
    4 anonymous 37 10 27.03
    5 anonymous 22 19 86.36
    6 mixer5123 21 6 27.36
    7 mojimoji160 18 4 22.22
    8 pd150 8 1 9.52
    9 azugta 8 2 30.00
    10 jopa 6 2 25.00
    11 moca2004 6 4 63.33
    12 masa 6 2 28.57
    13 anonymous 6 3 57.14
    14 ghorl 4 0 0.00
    15 anonymous 3 0 0.00
    PPLNS Round Shares
    Rank User Name Valid Invalid Invalid %
    1 tkd 579 26 4.46
    2 ymvision0129 367 22 6.00
    3 SURUARISURU 256 12 4.53
    4 anonymous 159 19 11.95
    5 anonymous 152 10 6.58
    6 mixer5123 93 6 6.24
    7 mojimoji160 77 4 5.19
    8 moca2004 34 4 11.18
    9 pd150 28 1 2.82
    10 azugta 27 2 8.82
    11 jopa 25 2 6.45
    12 anonymous 22 3 14.29
    13 ghorl 22 0 0.00
    14 masa 22 2 7.41
    15 anonymous 18 0 0.00
    16 ktty_mdpool 5 1 20.00